Sunday, August 30, 2009
First Week of Classes
Saturday, August 29, 2009
All-Campus Boogie
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Preseason - Day Six

by Jen Soo Hoo (First-year med student, '10)
Despite the end of two-a-day practices, we all still had to get up fairly early to make the bus, which left promptly at 9:00 AM. I’m happy to report that everyone made it on to the bus on time, including Garber (sorry, I don’t think you will ever live that one practice down). The bus ride over was a fun time. We stopped at Panera, everyone’s favorite place, to get breakfast/lunch. I swear every time we walk into a place to eat the workers there look like they’re about to faint as thirty plus people come swarming at them. We all got our food without a problem, nonetheless. The whole rest of the time was full of laughs as a bunch of us played M.A.S.H in the back of the bus. This game basically spelled out what your future was going to be ranging from who you were going to marry to how many kids you were going to have to who you your only friend was going to be. Some people’s futures unfortunately didn’t look so bright. We learned that Steph was going to marry her cousin. We also learned that Yule was going to have ten kids with one of the freshmen boy soccer players, while living in a box, with Ana as her only friend (really sorry about that one Yule). Coach Tiff, we learned was going to have twenty kids with Otto with Ronald and Donald as her only friends. It was extremely funny learning about everyone’s lives.
We arrived on Denison’s campus with plenty of time to spare. Everyone got ready and headed over to the field. After some initial controversy, we finally figured out where the field was over the hill. We ended up playing four quarters of thirty minutes. The first quarter went extremely well. We played a 4-4-2, which was a different formation from last year, but we adapted really well. We possessed the ball extremely well and switched the field. It was apparently obvious that the players on Denison were in EXTREMELY good shape. I literally thought they could run up and down the field all day long. Despite this, we held our own really well and dominated the play at some points. However, the long week of two-a-days on burning turf started to take its toll on the team as was expected. The latter parts of the scrimmage were not as fast-paced or concise as the first quarter, but it was still evident we were a good team and could move the ball around well. I was extremely excited watching us play. I couldn’t help thinking about the start of our season and how well we can do during our season and UAA’s. This scrimmage showed us our potential as a team as well as things we need to work on in order to continually improve. It was a solid end to our pre-season training, and I’m extremely pumped to see how the rest of our season turns out.
The ride back was much more uneventful. We stopped at McDonald’s for food and arrived back to Case around 8:30 pm exhausted but happy. Pre-season is officially over. Great job girls!!!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
The Men, The Myth, The Legend
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Preseason - Day Five

Saturday, August 22, 2009
By Popular Demand...
Friday, August 21, 2009
Preseason - Day Four
First came small (5 vs 2) and large (12 vs 7) possession games, then skill ladders with Coach Taylor. After dividing the team between the sophomores and the upperclassmen, girls partnered up and tried to complete as many back-and-forth skill sets as possible to earn points. Trapping, heading and juggling skills were the main focus. While the sophomores made a valiant effort, the upperclassmen were victorious in all the challenges. But any sadness over the loss quickly dissolved when Coach Tiff informed us she would provide dinner from Chipotle. We all know meals that contain over 1,000 calories of goodness are the best.
The afternoon practice began with a heated game of handball. Although Coach offered up extra points for unique or humorous goal celebrations, cool and exciting ones were noticeably absent. She took mercy on our weary legs by working on near-post, far-post and slot runs to the goal with crosses from the outside. Getting the timing down took some work, but the team worked well putting the drill into practice when we transitioned into 5 v 5 games. Still working on possession and transition, the small-sided games helped create an environment where taking shots and scoring goals was the focus.
Preseason - Day Three
Here we go again! It’s day three of preseason and the physical and mental demands of the two-a-day routine are in high gear. Practice started at 10:00 am this morning with direction from creative soccer warm-up enthusiast, Coach Taylor. The practice focused on the 3 aspects of the game our team will be striving to master throughout this season: defense, possession, and transition. Specifically, this mornings practice drove home the importance of opening up your hips when receiving a ball to better see the field and your options, as well as movement that provides the teammate with possession two passing options… always. We ended this practice with one of my all time favorite things, RELAY RACES!! I am proud to say that my team (Baumann, Deena, Devyn, Sammy, and myself) crushed the competition with eleven points! We’re still waiting for our reward; bragging rights will do for now.
We had a big break between the end of practice 1 and the start of practice 2. Coach Tiff held brief meetings with each individual athlete during this time. Everybody else enjoyed the napping opportunity. As Coach Tiff kindly spelled out for me in a voicemail, practice was going to be moved up to six instead of seven that evening – Thursday the 20th of August, not Friday the 21st of August (She must think I’m scatterbrained… psshhh me?!). At 6:00, the team was ready to go but the weather was not allowing. We waited about 30 minutes in the locker room watching Katie Froms and Anna Selser attempt to teach us moves for the boogie dance our team will be performing for the Case campus later this month. Ana strung toilet paper in Soo Hoo’s locker. Sorry if you are finding out this way Soo Hoo. FINALLY we were free to head out to the field.
The evening practice focused on our forwards! Checking runs, accurate passes, playing to feet, angles, maintaining possession… I could go on. After a rough start to practice, the level of play started to pick up. By the time we moved on to play 11 v 11 full field, the kinks were out and I think both the Coaches and the team were very encouraged by how well we were playing together so soon into preseason. I have been able to be a part of this program as it has changed and grown over the past 4 years. Truthfully, I am so proud of the team we have right now. The work ethic is high, the talent is present, and the will to win is stronger than ever. I am so ready to see this season start to unfold. Stay Tuned!!!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Preseason - Day Two
contributed by Cicy Fusco '11
We started with a morning practice at 10:00 on NRV and much to everyone's dismay the cones were missing. Despite excellent detective work by Caroline no one could figure out where the cones could be. As it turned out, today we were playing 11 a side so the cones were not in high demand. The scrimmage looked pretty good, and everyone was playing with intensity and purpose trying to live up to the 'three pillars of our teams identity' (as Alex phrased it). While there were no goals, we showed a promising start for the season to come and the freshman blended into the team well. However, after the game was done it was time for some fitness. Today was the day for the much dreaded 6 corners; this is when we run around the field six times and increase the distance we sprint each time until we sprint the final lap. Sounds like torture right? As it turned out everyone finished and did well and now we have that behind us.
In the afternoon we had our swim practice or our annual synchronized swimming competition. In this competition each class goes against each other to try and have the best synchronized swimming routine. This year Coach brought in some guest judges to make the results unbiased. Everyone dedicated a lot of time to work on their routines but there could only be one winner. The class of 2011 was trying for their third win in a row, but this year the freshman won with an inspiring performance. The juniors came in second, followed by the seniors and then the sophomores.
After the pool "work out" the team got together to help with Move-In. We, along with other teams and groups from Case help the incoming freshmen lug their stuff to their dorm rooms. We helped many people move in, but Kennedy takes the prize for carrying a T.V. up the stairs to someone's room. At dinner we learned that Caroline, through her excellent deductive skills, had learned that our cones were in the boys locker room. They were promptly retrieved.
Preseason - Day One
by Alex Litofsky '12...centermidfielder from Columbia, Missouri
When she stepped onto the field this morning, Coach Taylor declared with her cheery inflection that she could cut the tension on the turf with a knife. Jumping in place, nervously murmuring, doing a few last-minute sprints on the sideline, or silently focusing, each of the players on the Women’s Soccer team prepared for the much-anticipated Beep Test in her own way. This grueling fitness test serves as the annual opener for Fall Preseason.