This update is written by Annie Altenau, a sophomore nursing major from Cincinnati, Ohio. The picture is from our Halloween practice in the fall. Annie is on the left with her Mario Brothers partner, Megan Link (a sophomore nursing major from Columbus, Ohio).
"I am finally back into the swing of things after being home in Cincinnati for three and a half weeks for winter break. It was nice having time off from school to relax and catch up with old friends, but I was excited to come back to campus and start a new semester and meet back up with the team. Classes this semester will result in long days and countless hours of reading and other homework. This semester I will spend 16 hours at the hospital for clinicals, in addition to my other classes, which include my final university SAGES. I figured that it would be better to take an extra class during the spring semester instead of the fall semester during soccer season.
Besides classes, the team is working hard to prepare for next season. We meet in groups once a week to go through a lifting circuit, and are get together twice a week to play pick-up soccer and work on ball skills. Individually we do fitness several times a week, but rarely are we alone. Usually, while at Veale, I run into several teammates who are also doing their workouts. Another activity that we are doing as a team is intramural basketball. Although we are lacking in our basketball skills, everyone has a blast and is laughing the entire game.
Everyone is excited for the future of Case’s women’s soccer program and is extremely optimistic for the upcoming season. We all know that the work that we are currently putting in will pay off come fall."